It's Tuesday and the weekend high has definitely worn off. I'm back to my everyday routines and as I have time for nothing else but everyday routines (not even nails.....) I thought I'd give you a peek into an everyday kind of day for me.
05:15 - Last chance to get up
06:10 - Start drive
06:30 - Reach kindergarten
06:50 - Reach work
07:00 - Start work
15:00 - End work
15:15 - Leave work
16:00 - Get home and make dinner
17:30 / 18:30 (depending on how tired she is) - Bedtime for the little one :*
20:30 - Bedtime for me *yolo*
It's not really like weekend routines are any different, just the work part is, and Lilly sleeps about an hour more than on week days. But weekends are weekends and nothing will ever compare.
Lilly is in bed now and Silviu is at work, aah the poor guy, he worked overtime all of last week, and now this week too, I think it's pretty sad, because he only sees Lilly from 05:45 to 06:10 in the morning, he doesn't come home before 19:30, not to mention how tiring it is to work a 12 hour shift five days a week, and yet he never ever complains. I do, sometimes, but only because I crazy-miss him and that kind of justifies it ... right ?
Overtime weekdays are difficult, the afternoons pass before I've even blinked twice, when the evening comes the exhaustion follows and I am ready for bed before Silviu is even home. *sigh*
I love the weekends because there is a break from the working part, in a typical weekend we will all be happy all day and all night long, Silviu will make Lilly pancakes and she will be running happily around the house with her Adidas shoes on, we will go for a walk or a drive or just build lego at home and make a fabulous dinner (that part is all Silviu), we'll cuddle and watch a movie together before bed and just be happy.
If weekends didn't exist I think I'd lose my marbles teehee <3
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