Monday, 30 June 2014

I've been waiting for this...

Every now and then life is complete bliss. I've been struggling to finish off my apprenticeship ever since I got pregnant two years ago and I JUST DID. I can't even.

I started working as an apprentice five years ago when I started secondary school and I ended up getting pregnant my third year in, even so I finished off the school part, and I took a break from the work part ever since I got pregnant. All the fumes and smoke are bad enough just being you in there, but having a baby inside you just makes you like "no. way." But this was something I had started and something I needed to finish. It was hard to go back after Lilly started kindergarten and I had days where I'd wake up feeling sick just because I didn't want to go, but things got easier.
Deep down I always knew they would, and that's what kept me going. And the promise to myself of something brilliant as a prize once I was done. Maybe mostly that.

I ordered the brilliant prize yesterday and I'm so excited for it to arrive. It's the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen, I once read a book about this girl and her necklace, it was described so beautifully and in the book everyone was after it, and I think that the necklace I'm waiting for should have its own book too. It is stunning. I will wear it and think of what I have accomplished, the strength of my willpower and last but not least, all the challenges that are to come (that once are overcome may allow me to buy matching earrings). Meow, bliss.

Friday, 28 March 2014

"Be the kind of person you would like to meet"

I stumbled across this quote. I don't know who it came from, it was just printed with plain words, but it reached out and spoke to me. "Be the kind of person you would like to meet".

They are just simple words, but they made me stop what I was doing (lol nothing) and think "what would that person be like?". The next thing I thought was "beautiful", my thoughts were instantly affected by the stunning girl I saw photos of just after.
She was very beautiful. One of those typical girls you see everywhere on the internet these days, one of the incredibly breath taking, gorgeously beautiful girls, with beauty and talent and richness flowing from her like she was the sun. And that was my honest immediate first thought of answer after the question, "beautiful".

A few pauses after I made up my mind that it shouldn't matter what she looked like, I couldn't know if she was the kind of person I would want to meet based on her beauty. And beauty is overrated. I don't want to be beautiful on the outside and empty on the inside, I pity the people without inner beauty. I pity those who believe beauty is it, the most important thing and the thing that justifies utterly absurd and horrid behaviour towards strangers and loved ones. I pity those who don't realize that we all have beauty, each and everyone of us.

"Be the kind of person you would like to meet". For me, that person is someone who has found enough peace with themselves to open the eyes of others to how beautiful they are.
But there's more to the person I would like to be.
I would like to be good, kind like my mother, unlimited of caring for others, always putting them ahead of herself in such a balanced and healthy way that she never (seems to) forget herself in spite of it all. I'd like to meet the patience she has when listening to my rants through Skype and the way she senses to give me space when I need it but is always there for me too, at the same time.
I would like to mirror my fiancé, strong, never afraid of anything. I would like to have the same "ease" glowing from myself as he does, the kind that never flickers even though things are hard. I would like to have the same beauty and comfort in my smile as he does in his.

I want to be a source of happiness, the way my mother, fiancé and so many others are to me.
From now on I'm going to try to be the kind of person I would like to meet. Happy, good, kind, never boring, honest and reliable. It can only better me to try.

And so, I ask you, what kind of person would you like to be?

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Guilty Pleasures

We all have one..... or two, or a million.

One of my guilty pleasures is watching "The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills", I absolutely love it, it's completely high school and ridiculous but I am so into it, haha I'll start watching it after my daughter is in bed and I will put on a new episode, and another one, and another one...... It's so ridiculous but I love it, and if you're like my fiancé, having never seen it but set on the fact that it's such a waste of time I am telling you you're wroooooooong!! Give it a shot, it will suck you in, so beware. 

As I'm already talking about guilty pleasures, I melt myself a little snack as I watch the episodes.... I've heard the calories disappear as you melt things, so when I think about it, it's not really a guilty pleasure after all is it? Just a pleasure teehee <3<3<3<3


AAAAArgh I love it!

Breathe in, breathe out.

After becoming a mom, no actually, after my daughter started to walk haha, and after Silviu started to work away - only coming home on weekends, things got a little busy for me!

I should be at work today, but my daughter got a fever on Sunday night, and she has still got it, so I am at home with her, I've just woken up, dressed, brushed my teeth, done my morning skin care routine and here I am in this big empty quiet house all alone until my angel decides it's time to rise. Aloooone.

At first I wasn't sure what to do, because this is very unusual, I was just hoping I could get my skincare routine done in time for her to wake up.
The house is amazingly clean thanks to my step dad who came to visit us this weekend and even if it did look its usual self (as if a bomb went off) I wouldn't be spending this alone time cleaning.

I am doing chill therapy, blogging, as I have the time to, gosh this really relaxes me and I ought to do it more often.

It lets me breathe in, and breathe out.


Tuesday, 18 February 2014


It's Tuesday and the weekend high has definitely worn off. I'm back to my everyday routines and as I have time for nothing else but everyday routines (not even nails.....) I thought I'd give you a peek into an everyday kind of day for me.

05:15 - Last chance to get up
06:10 - Start drive
06:30 - Reach kindergarten
06:50 - Reach work
07:00 - Start work
15:00 - End work
15:15 - Leave work

16:00 - Get home and make dinner
17:30 / 18:30 (depending on how tired she is) - Bedtime for the little one :*
20:30 - Bedtime for me *yolo*

It's not really like weekend routines are any different, just the work part is, and Lilly sleeps about an hour more than on week days. But weekends are weekends and nothing will ever compare.

Lilly is in bed now and Silviu is at work, aah the poor guy, he worked overtime all of last week, and now this week too, I think it's pretty sad, because he only sees Lilly from 05:45 to 06:10 in the morning, he doesn't come home before 19:30, not to mention how tiring it is to work a 12 hour shift five days a week, and yet he never ever complains. I do, sometimes, but only because I crazy-miss him and that kind of justifies it ... right ?
Overtime weekdays are difficult, the afternoons pass before I've even blinked twice, when the evening comes the exhaustion follows and I am ready for bed before Silviu is even home. *sigh*

I love the weekends because there is a break from the working part, in a typical weekend we will all be happy all day and all night long, Silviu will make Lilly pancakes and she will be running happily around the house with her Adidas shoes on, we will go for a walk or a drive or just build lego at home and make a fabulous dinner (that part is all Silviu), we'll cuddle and watch a movie together before bed and just be happy.
If weekends didn't exist I think I'd lose my marbles teehee <3

Friday, 14 February 2014


Time is just ticking away. Really fast. I haven't been on the blog since beginning of February and I've missed it. I've been so busy these last few weeks, we've set a date for the wedding, I've picked my dress, and my maid of honour, we're looking for a venue, I need to make and send out invitations, make a menu, design the theme, finish the guest list (!)

Gosh there's a lot to do, and also, I have to focus all my energy on growing out my bangs as soon as possible. Because of course I went to get my hair cut, and of couuuuurse I wanted bangs. I wasn't thinking about how I'm supposed to get married in the summer and you can bet I wanted to cry when my fiancé said "Aww, you're going to get married with bangs, I love bangs<3<3<3". At least he likes them but seriously howstupidcanyoumuttering. Yep so there's that.

There's still 6 months to go, but I'm manic stressing already. I'm going to lose it. Is this what a bridezilla is?

Oooh dear.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Ribbon nail look

A day later than promised, but sometimes, in this case late is better than never. Sometimes not. Anyway, I ordered some nail deco from eBay the other day and not so long ago I picked them from my mail box.

Get it? They look pretty weird, but they are ribbons!
Hard to put on, but it looks awesome when it's done :-)

The looks is simple to do, all you have to do is pick a colour, pick a ribbon and top it all with the top coat of your choice :-)

Monday, 27 January 2014


Bliss. This minute I am overcome by it. I've been so busy the last couple of days without really knowing what I spent my time doing. Today my little angel was extra tired and she went to bed just 45 minutes than she normally does, but it made such a difference!
I cleaned the kitchen and the living room, fed the dog, fed the cat, blanketed my fiancé, took a shower, put on my pjs, crawled to bed, checked my mail, read blogs I follow up to date and now I'm typing away at the keyboard.
Ok fine, it's not bliss to put on pyjamas or clean, it was mostly the shower. Washing away all worries, all stress from today leaving bliss and calm in its place. I kind of want to go back in now haha.
Instead, although it's not even 7 pm yet, I am going to stay in bed, take out my twilight copy and read about the indestructible love of Edward and Bella. Cheesy. I'll show up with some hardcore nail looks tomorrow if I have time and hope you forgive me.
Night ! xxx

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Throwback Thursday - Outfit of the past

I thought I would share one of my old looks as a Throwback Thursday kind of thing, not every Thursday, I think, but every now and then. So here's something casual I wore early August last summer. Would I ever wear it again? Yes, ma'am.

H&M - necklace, top.     // Zara - shorts.      // Pull & Bear - sneakers.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

My Xmas Sale Buys

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and almost equally as wonderful - "After Christmas Day Sale".
Over Christmas I was sick and I didn't even want to show my face out and about for a splendid sale, why suffer in society when you can just shop till you drop comfortably at home on your browser? No screaming kids or stick thin fashionistas who are suddenly just in your way snagging the pieces you had your eye on first(!!!!), no more crowds blocking the whole corridor walking at snail speed, no more waiting forever in line for the one nail polish you wanted to buy, no more... ok I'll stop. You get my point.
I do like people, really, I do, but it's just easier not having to stress about anything or anyone, by shopping at home online! The girl who is seriously trying to score something at the sale and the girl prancing around the mall with her boyfriend are NOT THE SAME GIRLS and if the latter is in the way ... it's just unnecessary, someone will get hurt!
I'm not crazy, I just like shopping in the comfort of my own home. Which I did over Christmas, and here are some of the pieces I snagged <3<3loveheart.

This I found on Zara's website. I'm not sure of the reduction anymore but it wasn't really a "good" buy considering the % off. But they had a sale on EVERYTHING. And I noticed too late to snag the best stuff, but I consider myself lucky with this jacket, I love it! My new favourite.

These weren't on sale, but they are so, SO nice. I got them from eBay. Extravagance HERE and Magic HERE.

Too gorgeous. They are from Asos and guess if I managed to get the last pair, and guess if they originally cost £160 and if I got them for £50. Guess if I felt wonderful after <3<3<3<3<3
They're still sold out. Sorry.

These boots are from Nly Trend and you can find them HERE. Not-on-sale price 499 NOK, sale-price 100 NOK. I'm saving them for spring <3

At an amazing 80 per cent off Ladies and Gents, I present to you "Wildfox Couture White Label Party Sweateeeeeeeeer"! Got it for like 500 NOK! Which is still a bit expensive. And hey, this is a really pretty jumper but don't pay full price for it 2300 NOK is crazy expensive.

Casual everyday dress from Gina Tricot. I didn't find it just now when I looked to link it so I guess it's sold out. It's a very simple dress from the front, nothing special really, but from the back this is what is looks like. It's a bit more fun, but at the sale time very casual and everydayish. This wasn't on sale but I was on a roll....

These heels are from Nly Trend and you can get them HERE (no longer on sale). I got these too for 100 NOK, they are so glamorous and sexy, they'd go perfect with just a very simple black dress!

*fist punches into the air* I LOVE SALES

A girls connection to her closet.

I realize more and more what a hopeless-materialistic-happiness-weirdo I am sometimes. Just yesterday I re-did my little cot closet and it gives me so much good. I'll try and describe it, I think I feel the way as one of my aunties feels when she goes to church on Sundays. I feel right, good, peace, I feel hallelujah! I don't think she'd agree to compare the two but I that's how I feel. Is that weird? I feel like I should be a bit embarrassed about this but I'm not. I can't be the only one.

"Gosh, they're just clothes."
"No, that's where you're wrong!!!!"

Ok. It's weird, but that's just the way it is. Want to know something weirder? ...... Ok here goes, when I'm angry, sad, highly emotional in some way... I go into that tiny cot and I look around at all the hangers and the clothes and it just feels like heaven, everything melts away and all I can think and feel is how gorgeous this all is. The shoes, the pieces, so on.

Sometimes if I'm really emotional I feel the fabrics. And I'm not ashamed of it!!!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Summer, come on!

Sigh. Summer is simply the best time of the year. Everything is so bright and blooming, and the whole season just has this happy feel to it. I was looking through some pictures and thought I'd share. 

It wasn't really necessary with a blanket, Norwegian summers aren't that cold. Promise. But look at the sweet uncle taking care of his niece!

Annual summer activity: cricket (? Crocket? No?) in the garden.

And trampoline tumbling!

More tumbling, and my birthday get-together, with brilliant homemade-from-a-pack-brownies.

Playful-frisbee fiancé and serious-car fiancé.

Trip to Baroniet with multiple relatives, the most stunning place ever.

I'm extremely ready for summer now, it's not going to be here in a while but I'm really looking forward to the Qatar trip. It will be about 30 degrees my mom says, which is ... a bit much to be honest! I've already packed my clothes for the trip ... haha .. *lilbitpathetic-ohwell*

Friday, 17 January 2014

Various nail looks in January

As I mentioned a while back, painting my nails is some sort of therapy for me. So is spilling my thoughts and emotions all over this virtual diary, I did try a "real" one, but I ended up just burning the whole thing. Multiple times.
Anyway, nails, here are some looks I did this month. Enjoy :-)

↑ 1. Ciatè "Amazing Gracie" (PP133). // 2. Ciatè "Serendipity" (PP170)

↑ 1. Hello Kitty polish by H&M "Darling Pink". // 2. Ciatè "Pillow Fight" (PP103). // 3. Oriflame Visions Nailart "Silver Lining". 

↑ 1. Ciatè "Play Date" (PP105). // 2. Ciatè "Fit For A Queen" (PP069). // 3. Ciatè "Party Shoes" (PP109). // 4. Oriflame Visions Nailart "Silver Lining". 

↑ 1. Nail polish by H&M "Miss Stone Heart". // 2. L.A Colors "Metallic Purple". // 3. Oriflame Visions Nailart "Wall Paint". 

↑ 1. Ciatè "Encore!" (PP161). // 2. Oriflame Visions Nailart "Silver Lining". // 3. Oriflame Visions Nailart "Black Deco".

↑ 1. Dior Vernis "Rose Boa Pink Boa" (349). // 2. Oriflame "Nail Tip Duo EX1210". // 3. Stickers from Ebay.

Things to look forward to!

It feels like such a long time since I've posted anything new on the blog. It's not really been "that" long but a lot of things have happened, and they are all so good! And that feels so wonderful!

- My sister came to visit with her boyfriend, briefly as I said she would, before leaving for Italy! She's moving there with him and I'm really happy for her, she finally seems to have found her place <3 I don't see her that often - only once or twice a year, and it's always good to catch up, I never really realise how much I've been missing her until she's here.

- I started work, which was quite heavy in it's self but things are really looking up, and yesterday I had to go home early thanks to the cold I am currently suffering from, and I'm honestly quite sad about it.

- I'm going to London! :-) I'm going with my best friend Maria, and it's going to be all about shopping, food, and caaaandy. It's not until the end of February but I can't wait to get "away". A change of scenery is always nice in this depressing cold winter. Also, we've never done anything like this before, imagine going so far without parental supervision! ... Just kidding, kind of. I should make a London guide after I get back.

- Hehe, I'm going to Qatar! And I should make a guide there too! It's so entirely different from here. We're going for Easter, my brother Are, my dear Silviu and our beautiful daughter. And me.

- We bought a lot!!!! Well, we didn't pay for it or sign any contract yet, but it's ours <3 and ... I think I need to make a post just about this to get out everything I wanna say! <3 <3 <3 <3

- Last but not least; our wedding is starting it's planning process. Hahaha, my mother and I Skype a lot, and of course we talk about the wedding (a lot) and I think Silviu just, I don't know, gave in and gave us the go for planning wondering if he was invited haha :*


:-) This is such a positive post, I'm in a really good place right now. Except from the cold, but THAT is going to go away soon :-) :-)  And I'm on a roll with blogging right now, so I will just get on to writing another blog post about...... my nails haha. Don't judge.

Sunday, 5 January 2014


Well, more like a couple of days ago, but "MUOD" was just easier than "MUIWACDA" or something, you know?

Lately I've been going easy on my skin, letting it breathe and soaking it in different kinds of creams, etc.

That's my cat - say hii! I've always had cats as I was growing up, but they were always too wild to have inside or pet, they'd just be afraid of you basically, and this one is like... You can touch it and it will purr, even my one year old makes it purr and she just grabs the tail and pulls it or pinches it. She's really mean to Pus, obviously she doesn't mean to be; she loves him, but yeah.


I'm going back to work tomorrow after two weeks + a xmas holiday of sick leave. I just make my lunch for tomorrow teehee. I've only got about two months left of being an apprentice, seeing as I pass my exam. I'm really excited about finishing up my apprentice time. Most of my friends are two years in at university and I'm still in my hometown trying to finish my apprenticeship. Waah. I feel a little slow sometimes, but I guess we can't all be quick hopping bunnies in ALL areas of our life.

Speaking of slow, my sister is coming to stay with us for a while today, and time is going really slow because I'm excited and tired. I don't even know if I can stay up much longer - super tired.


Thursday, 2 January 2014


I really, really love outfit posts. I love spending time in my little closet planning what to wear today, tomorrow, or for the rest of the week. It's just a really peaceful and happy place, however strange that sounds... Today was one of those rare days where it was a no brainer, although some days it's a complete dilemma, I could spend an hour trying to make an outfit work and even though I see my fiancé (and all males really) rolling his eyes and telling me just to "throw on something",  although to me it's a completely blissful process.
But the thing is, even though I love creating and reading OOTDs, I am insanely hopeless at having my picture taken, showing off an outfit. I force my poor fiancé to take my pictures and I feel so out of place BUT I DO MY BEST, here you are:

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1. Tights - Bik Bok // 2. Jumper - Gina Tricot // 3. Cosy socks - Cubus // 4. Snood - Gina Tricot

My brother came home from Qatar yesterday, with gifts (!!) and this is the one I got from my mother:

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It's so beautiful, she designed it herself and it's so clever! You can kind of break it up like this:

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Hey, guess what we did the other day! We went to see a builder about building a house and suddenly it doesn't seem so scary anymore. I'm actually quite looking forward to it. I'm not worried about when or where, it's just nice to think it will happen, you know, sometime and somewhere. Well at least I'm finding it all very nice and comforting and that's all we need.

And it's 2014!! Gosh, I feel like it's still 2012 and we were all going to die. Time flies.
For 2011 my fiancé took me to the first "proper" party I've ever been to. I wanted to go in sweatpants and a hoodie but ended up going in a super slutty dress (which I use as a top now, goodness what was I thinking back then). The party was horrible and my fiancé was drunk and we fought and I didn't know anyone there and everyone was drunk apart from 17 year old me and we didn't get a cab home until 6 am.
For 2012 we travelled to Spain, I shopped these gorgeous shoes which I used on the New Years Eve and they gave me such blisters, I don't think I ever used them again haha. And just a month after this I found out I was pregnant!
And for 2013 we flew to Qatar, to see my family there, and we were celebrating with our 3 month old baby, just pure bliss.
This year we spent at home, with my aunt, uncle, cousins, grandfather and each other. Our baby slept through the whole thing and even though I missed our first fireworks, running for my camera, it was perfect and I got to snap some pics:

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Who knows what more will have happened or where we'll be at the end of this year? I'm excited to find out! xx