New year is approaching and at this very moment my fiancé and I are pursuing one of our goals for 2014 - move out! Before excitement arouses let me tell you all that means is we are each sitting at a computer checking out sale ads in our area, yet again, which we have already seen one hundred times each before. So, I came here instead as it just felt like wasting time.
But one of our goals in 2014 as I say is to move out. We are currently living in my mothers house, while she, my step dad and my youngest brother are living it up in almighty Qatar (which I am just a teeny-weeny bit jealous about).
But when they return it would be nice to have a place, just so, you know. I definitely don't want to be that girl who lives at home with her fiancé and daughter AND mother, step-father, brother. ToomanypeopleIamsuffocatingorsomething.
It's just a difficult step to make. We'd really like to build a house, but at the same time there's no way on earth we could afford it right now as my apprentice contract is coming to an end, which means money is coming to an end, which means... well, you get the picture.
And then buying a house seems almost just as impossible, I know we'd get the loan buuuuuuut selling it again seems hopeless, as we've been on this real estate site since summer, checking in every now and then to see what's on the market, and like three houses have been sold!!!! So basically if you buy a house here, you're probably stuck forever. And that's a long time. My brain is frying. Hey boyfriend, let's take selfies and cheer up.
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