Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Good morning :-)
My new camera charger has finally arrived, all the way from China(!), and of course the first thing I do is snap some pics and update the blog.

As I am home from work today this is how I've been spending my morning so far:

 photo collage121.jpg Nothing beats a good book and a roaring fire on dark cold days like these, except a trip to warmer places. On second thought I could use a blanket as well just to top the bar.
In fact, there is this blanket I've been drooling over for a couple of weeks now down at my local shopping centre, it's so pretty and limited edition and so soft and insanely expensive. It's just over $130 and therefore just out of my league. Sob.

Anyway, about two weeks ago or so, I booked myself an appointment to go and have my eyesight checked. I'm a welding apprentice and I kept having trouble seeing what we call the welding pool, so my colleague advised me to for a check-up, which I did, and guess who sees the world much clearer now than she ever thought possible!?

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Mhmmmm, you guessed it!
After trying on so many pairs of glasses I finally found the ones for me. I'm not gonna lie, it was a very amusing process and I did chuckle aloud more than once as I stood there alone trying on multiple specs. The ones I got are from French Connection, I originally wanted those typical big nerdy glasses, they are super cute, but on my face they looked awful haha, so this is as close as I got to what I originally wanted:

 photo IMG_0877.jpg I love the little FC details on the end of the glasses

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It's light outside now and my excuse to sit in front of the computer disappeared, see you! xx

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